
The Seven Steps to Success

The Seven Steps to Success

Step 1

Any journey starts with a step, and the first step is the most important and the most difficult part. If we want to succeed in any field we need to take a step in the right direction, and we find it extremely difficult to take this first step. There arise countless hurdles and causes to desist us from taking this step. We may do many difficult tasks except taking this step.

There can be several causes of this phenomenon. The main causes may be lack of self-confidence, previous failures, disappointment, the habit of procrastination.

Some people lag because of waiting for the right time. They wait for the ideal conditions to start a job which remains elusive.

The hurdle stops taking the desired step should be identified and dealt with.

Step 2

This second step is getting up early in the morning. It makes a lot of difference. In modern times famous Indian-American author Robin Sharma recommends joining the 5 am club. By this, he means to inculcate the habit of getting up at 5 am.

Hindus have always given utmost importance to Brahm Muhurt. The people, who start their routine from the Brahm Muhurt are found to be more productive. By getting up at the Brahm Muhurt one gets a good amount of energy to last for the whole day.

'Brahmi Muhurta' is one and a half hours before sunrise, which our sages have told to be auspicious to get up. This time is considered good for meditation and prayer. In my opinion, even if you are not able to get up in Brahma Muhurta, then you should get up before sunrise. For those who have the habit of sleeping late at night and waking up late in the morning, changing this habit is a very difficult task. But getting up early in the morning is so beneficial for this as it is a profitable deal to change this habit. According to me, even if you wake up before sunrise, the beginning of the day will be good, and you will feel agility in yourself.

Step 3

Exercise is necessary for good health. When you are healthy only then you can enjoy life and work properly. Presently we need to exercise more because our lifestyle has become sedentary and we eat more junk food. As physical exercise is necessary for children and youth similarly it is necessary for office workers. On desk jobs, they have to sit for long hours. They get tired of sitting and simply sleep after reaching home.

Benefits of exercise

There are many benefits of exercise. Firstly, it helps in maintaining your weight. Not only this, if you are overweight, then it also helps in reducing weight. This is because you burn calories when you exercise.

In addition, it helps to develop your muscles. Thus, your body's rate will increase which helps in burning calories. Apart from this, it also helps in improving the oxygen level and blood flow of the body.

When you exercise daily, your brain cells are released again and again. It helps in the formation of cells in the hippocampus. In addition, it is the part of the brain that helps with learning and controlling memory.

Step 4

Researchers have found working according to a timetable has far-reaching psychological benefits. It helps in reducing anxiety and depression. One can take the help of a daily diary to make a suitable timetable.

Step 5

It is extremely useful to know our preferences and prioritize work. Because of the heavy load of work, people get stressed and lose their productivity. In such cases, prioritization of work is very much needed. Due to the plethora of personal and professional work, many employees are unable to handle the stress and have to face a decline in their productivity. Prioritization skills become a handy tool in such cases and allow professionals to plan their day in a way that not only creates value but creates true value to change.

Step 6 can be practicing a little spiritualism. for this, you can do the following.

Start your day with meditation. Live with nature.

You can read spiritual books.

Step 7 is to follow-the Karma yoga. Let us work with devotion without thinking about its result.

Lord Krishna has said,

It means you have the right to work but not the right on its result.

I understand the practical side of this statement is that if we are more concerned about the result even before starting a job, we may not give our best to it. If we work without thinking about the result, we can work to our full capacity and our chances of success will increase.

About the Author

Ravi Ranjan Goswami is a native of Jhansi (UP). He is an IRS officer, a poet and writer.  His published titles include Palayan, Asht Yogis and The Seven Shades. Presently he is working as Assistant Commissioner of Customs (Preventive) Cochin, Kerala.

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